And So…

Posted in Class Blogs with tags , , , , , on October 2, 2010 by neomalindley

Wow, has it really been ten weeks already? I can’t believe how quickly this term passed, and how much work I got done in what seemed like no time at all. I really feel like a learned a lot about modeling, and even if I’m not particularly good at it, or really enjoy doing it, I think that understanding the process will help me out later in my career.

I had a lot of fun painting my model and lighting it. I liked posing him too, but I think that process would have gone smoother if I had done a better job modeling him. All in all, I think he looks pretty good for a novice’s first time character modeling.

Almost There

Posted in Uncategorized on September 22, 2010 by neomalindley

The pain and suffering is almost over. I’m just shy of the end of term and I have Bekväm completely modeled. I am fidgeting with my spec, norm, and opacity maps still, but I am not unhappy with my renders at this point. Especially with having made myself literally ill with stress, I think I’m doing pretty good here.

I have him bound (or skinned or however you phrase it) to his bones, so he’s completely pose-able. I am kind of shamelessly proud of him. There are also two props that will be in the final renders; a lute and a sword. Not a rapier, because I’m just not that cool.

Oh wow, Really?

Posted in Class Blogs with tags , , , , , on September 11, 2010 by neomalindley

Man, the things one can do in a  week. I finished Bekväm’s model (and he’s almost unwrapped, which is like holy god thank you), and I feel like I might just barely make it out of this class without a failing grade. Or with a passing grade. However you say that in a way that  makes it sound positive, because I’m very much in a  positive mood right now.

The biggest problem I had was that I am literally petrified of failure; I don’t know much about this program, it’s intimidating and new, and my whole grade is based on my ability to use it. That makes me scared of it, it is my enemy and I don’t like it. I got over that by… well, I really didn’t get over being scared of screwing up, but I realized that some is better than none; a project, no matter how hideous, is better than empty hands. So here I am, a little late with a finished product but at least here.

I took out the shoulder spikes in the model because no matter how I tried, I couldn’t get them to look right and not make a mess. I think over all his shoulders and neck need some work, and his face is a little over-polyed for my vision, but hey- it works.

Now I just need to pick a crystal colour….

What This is to Me

Posted in Class Blogs with tags , , , , , on August 31, 2010 by neomalindley

Modeling is, to me at least, like drawing two pictures, at the same time, with each affecting the other. That means every mistake is twice as detrimental and every detail is twice as influential. It’s frustrating and thus far there is nothing rewarding about it. I’m not whining, I’m just stating- I don’t like modeling. This class isn’t about the rewarding experience of learning a new program or honing a new skill. It’s about reaching my end goal without having to break something.

That said; I finished the body of my female model. She has no head, which is great because I really suck at those. I ran out of time, so I didn’t worry about it. I’ve posted a jpg of the final front and side view. Don’t ask about the butt. Things… happened, and I wasn’t paying attention… just, yeah. Don’t ask.

Also, my sketchy model sheet for my character is below. Enjoy it.

Tuesday Blog (Clever Title)

Posted in Class Blogs with tags , , , , , on August 24, 2010 by neomalindley

So what the hell, world? I was all gung-ho about posting my sketch of Bekväm’s turn-around, and it bleeding disappears. Seriously, before I could even scan it, I have misplaced it. This is what I get for not just drawing it on the computer in Photoshop. Damn you, losable paper!!

I do have a base turn around I plan on using, from Aisha SD @ I will attach the art under my update, and hopefully on Thursday I will have found or redone my sketch, and be able to post my own work.

o What stages of the (project) am I on and how is it progressing? How or what could I improve?
I have begun block-modeling Bekväm, using Aisha SD’s turnaround of a futuristic cop. As always with modeling, I think it looks like shit, but I’m told it’s really not so bad for a beginner. And a novice can only improve. Or something like that.  

o Did I change my (project) milestone goals? If so, why?

Still a no. I’m pretty much content with this pace, though I don’t like my modeling work.

o How did I deal with the problems that came up?
I planned to model from my own turn around, even though I found Aisha SD’s work very useful. However, as I stated in the paragraph above, I lost it. So I’ve been dealing with this by working with Aisha’s and trying to re-sketch my own.

o What is working and what is not working in the planning and implementation of the (project)?

Except for my losing things, I guess everything is alright.

o Briefly describe your time spent and any problems (within the team, with a computer, etc)
This week, I spent most of my time sketching and trying to model. Lots of cubes, guys. Lots and lots of cubes.

o Evaluate the (project) as a whole including team members, if applicable.
So far the project seems to be going alright.

Aisha SD's lovely Turnaround.

Sad Admonitions of Failure are Always Sad

Posted in Class Blogs with tags , , , , , on August 16, 2010 by neomalindley

So, as some of you probably know, I was not at home last week. I was in Florida, collecting my brother for his internship with Disney World. Much as I wanted to continue my attempt at modeling, there was no way for me to bring the program with me, as my laptop rejects 3DS Max. And also, traveling that far in a crowded car with a laptop a wise decision does not make.

As you may surmise, I was also unable to post for my last week of not doing anything. I really couldn’t do much in the way of the class work, having neither computer nor program. I did, however, think a lot about my modeling and have decided that I’m not so terrible after all. I’m perhaps a little slow, but I’m not terrible. I think given a bit of practice I could even be halfway decent. So that’s a plus.

Posted in Class Blogs with tags , , , , , on August 6, 2010 by neomalindley

o What stages of the (project) am I on and how is it progressing? How or what could I improve?
I’ve done some extensive character work on Bekväm and I’m feeling pretty comfortable with him as a character. I still think I’ll do better painting him than I will modeling, but that’s just me. Others seem to think the hideous aberration I’ve started in 3DS Max is a great start and that I’m being too picky. And damn right I am. I don’t like being bad at things, and when I am, I hate and complain about them.

o Did I change my (project) milestone goals? If so, why?

So far, no. I’ve made my decisions and I plan to stick to them. I really like the character, and I actually think I have some chance of modeling him in a somewhat convincing way.

o How did I deal with the problems that came up?
None have come up this week.

o What is working and what is not working in the planning and implementation of the (project)?

Everything so far is working out alright, but like I said, I haven’t had to model anything yet. All my sketching and studying seems to be going great though.

o Briefly describe your time spent and any problems (within the team, with a computer, etc)
This week, I spent most of my time sketching and working on some textures for the finished model. I’m getting a great feel for the style and the character himself. I think I’ll at least be able to make some pretty nice textures.

o Evaluate the (project) as a whole including team members, if applicable.
So far the project seems to be going alright.

And now: THIS

Posted in Class Blogs on July 30, 2010 by neomalindley

Small update for Thursday:

I flipped my coin: Heads for Shardmind, heads for male. I sketched him, so scroll down.


A Shardmind Bard.

Week One

Posted in Class Blogs with tags , , , , , on July 27, 2010 by neomalindley

Here we are at the start of a new term; all new classes, all new avenues of exploration. And, of course, frustration. I am bracing myself for this class; modeling and 3D art is confusing to me, especially when we’re going further than, I dunno, boxes. The prospect of modeling my own character is kind of frightening to me, to be perfectly frank. But I’ve got friends with skills, so I can pick up some tutoring from them. And a crap model can look good with the right textures.

Oh please don’t let that be a myth.

Anyway; posts after this are probably going to lack flavor and personality, as we get ready to dive into tons of work for the term. I’ll save myself for the art blog, and just post in the proper, required format, as seen below.

o What stages of the (project) am I on and how is it progressing? How or what could I improve?
This being week one, I’m in the planning stage. I really want to do a Shardmind bard or a Halfling rouge. Or maybe I ought to just model my Tiefling rouge, Håkan, since I know all about her. I like the Shardmind… I like the a lot. I think they’re awesome.

My issue with just going ahead and doing my Tiefling is her horns. I can barely paint horns, much less model them. Since my instructor is cool with Shardmind, I’m probably going to go with that.

o Did I change my (project) milestone goals? If so, why?Being week one, no, I haven’t. I’ve just started pulling myself in half about what to do, which is, heh, common for me.

o How did I deal with the problems that came up?
I think I’m going to flip a coin. I’ll tell ya’ll on Thursday.

o What is working and what is not working in the planning and implementation of the (project)?So far I finds myself entirely capable of sketching both a Tiefling and a Shardmind. So at least there’s that. My D2 will help me choose all the particulars. Maybe I’ll roll a full character sheet if I go with the Shardmind, but then I’ll have to get Brian to help me out again.

o Briefly describe your time spent and any problems (within the team, with a computer, etc)
My time’s been spent reading up on Shardminds. Which opened a whole can of worms because it refreshed my knowledge of the PH3 character races, all of which I love. Man, Githzerai and Wilden are so nifty too. But I’m focusing; I will flip a D2 between Håkan and a Shardmind.

o Evaluate the (project) as a whole including team members, if applicable
Not today, thanks.